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The practice of urban regeneration combines aspects of urban planning, sociology, economics, development, architecture, and engineering to address issues that are facing neighborhoods, towns, and entire cities. Urban regeneration projects span scope and size, from neighborhood initiatives such as plots for urban farming to regional strategies such as economic development platforms for entire cities, and can tackle issues from food deserts to unemployment. Regardless of the project type or scope, the end goal always remains the same: to enhance the quality of life for a city’s residents.


The regeneration team at Axum Advisors provides several key services that facilitate these types of endeavors: strategy development, feasibility assessment, research services, and project evaluation. Furthermore, the team not only possesses formal education in this field as well as extensive experience within the built environment sector, but also the ability to bring a uniquely international perspective to the subject.


Axum Advisors will work with municipalities, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders to develop strategies to address their specific needs, which can range from local economic stagnation to the creation of an informal arts district. As with the business consultancy practice, the built environment practice is supported by extensive research and analysis, with a particular focus on urban data, current trends, case studies, best practices, academic studies, and legislation. We will perform feasibility studies to analyze the potential for success of proposed interventions, as well as work with with the client to develop a plan for implementation including governance, financial, and project evaluation/monitoring  strategies.

Built Environments Advisory

Economic Development Consultation

Research and Analysis

Public Outreach

Regeneration Master Planning

Feasibility Studies

Implementation Planning

Real Estate Development Consultation

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