We view ourselves as problem solvers with a unique ability to help our clients in ways they never thought possible.
About Axum

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Leadership Development
Axum Advisors believes that responsive, adaptive and inspiring leaders are what distinguish organizations that thrive from those that struggle to survive. And we believe that leadership - as a set of competencies, attitudes and practices - can be developed at all levels of an organization, from the C-suite to the mail room.
Operational Advisory
Axum Advisors believes operational competitiveness and excellence to be a critical aspect of every successful corporation. With over 40 years of experience, our advisors have worked as consultants and held senior positions in a variety of industries. This experience allows us to design customized and achievable solutions that ensure your corporation meets its short and long-term goals.
Financial Advisory
Our professionals deliver customized financial advice you need to clearly understand your options, opportunities and exposures. Maybe you are acquiring a target or integrating an acquisition, thinking of going public, facing a lawsuit, or restructuring to better position your organization for changing market conditions. Perhaps you need financial reporting or process improvement help or access to more of your cash to help grow the business.